Ready to clarify your vision? Let’s start anew on your path today.


Founded and operated solely by Devin Gatling, GATLING takes pride in delivering work with a highly personalized approach. With the mission to clarify vision and shape identity, both require a human-centered methodology to uncover the most powerful insights. Alongside a team of trusted creative partners, we are deeply committed to telling the truth in our work and seek to partner with like-minded individuals who desire to marry their authenticity with strategic and beautiful design.

It’s with this intention that we require all work of the studio to first undergo the Vision Compass service to best authenticate and articulate their personal vision clearly. As a studio created by a visionary for visionaries, we offer solutions that are as spiritual as they are visual. Our signature service is key to achieving this balance. Trust us, you'll need both.

If our services and approach resonate with you, and you're interested in collaborating on your next project, please reach out to us at Projects typically range from $15K to $45K.